ERC Press Release: Urgent Humanitarian Assistance in Rakhine State

Kyauktaw Floods  1
The European Rohingya Council (ERC) urge all humanitarian NGOs and UN agencies to mobilize the emergency humanitarian aids such as emergency medical care, food supplies and emergency shelter for the victims of flood in Myanmar’s Western Rakhine state.
At least tens of thousands of people have been affected by the flooding in Northern part of Myanmar’s Western Rakhine state and thousands of families have been displaced. 1 According to the ministry of information website on Friday, the most affected cities are Minbya, Kyauktaw, and Mrauk U although the whole Rakhine state has been affected.2 Among the displaced communities, the Rakhines are evacuated to the monasteries, home and elevated places while the Rohingya were left helpless. Similarly, the displaced Rakhine residents are being provided with emergency humanitarian aids by the state government while the Rohingya, who are already displaced and living in squalid IDP camps, are not getting helps from the state government. The Rohingya children are experiencing severe malnutrition and infectious disease, our sources reported.
Therefore, ERC urge all international humanitarian NGOs and UN agencies to immediately provide emergency humanitarians aids to the victims of flood especially Rohingya communities, who are not provided aids by the state government and who are in desperate need of help. We appreciate your aids in advance.
1. Aung, Nyan. “Over 20,000 People Flooded Out Of Their Homes In Rakhine State”.
N.p., 2016. Web. 10 July 2016.
2. “Thousands Affected By Floods in Myanmar’S Rakhine State”. Anadolu Agency. N.p., 2016. Web.
10 July 2016.


THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.