Press Release: Arbitrary Detention of Rohingya Refugees in Jammu and Kashmir


Arbitrary Detention of Rohingya Refugees in Jammu and Kashmir

March 11, 2021

The Indian authority in Jammu and Kashmir has arbitrarily detained around 150 Rohingya refugees including women and children in early March 2021. The European Rohingya Council (ERC) is very much concerned about such treatment against the victims of genocide and we earnestly request the Indian Central authority to look into this case with utmost urgency.

These refugees finally came to India all the way from Arakan in 2016 after undertaking a long precarious journey in order to save their lives while over three-quarters of a million have also fled to neighbouring Bangladesh. Genocide and crimes against humanity being committed by the Burmese regime in 2016 and 2017 against the Rohingya minority in Arakan are documented by the world´s community and India as a neighbour to Myanmar is no stranger to this.

Rohingya refugees living in various parts of India, particularly in Jammu Kashmir have been facing tremendous difficulties in every aspect of their lives since their arrival to seek a sanctuary and refuge. However, they are very grateful to the Indian authorities and local communities because they have let them take refuge despite not belonging to India. The European Rohingya Council (ERC) is also humbled for the generosity and compassion shown towards the Rohingya victims of genocide.

However, the recent detention of Rohingya refugees including women and children greatly concerns us because these victims do not in any way deserve collective punishment. Although India is not a party to the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, it has a duty to protect them under humanitarian ground until they are safe to return to their homeland in a dignified manner.

India as the world´s largest democracy should play an important role in bringing democracy to neighbouring Myanmar. The European Rohingya Council strongly appeals to the Indian Authority to release the Rohingya refugees and provide UNHCR full access to the detainees.

For more information:

Dr. Ambia Perveen
The European Rohingya Council (ERC)

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