European Rohingya Council (ERC) official visit to Turkey


foreign minister

ERC delegation has successfully paid a three-day official visit to Turkey. The delegation comprised of Chairman Khairul Amin, Secretary General Mohamed Ibrahim, Secretary for Advocacy Dr. Ambia Parveen and council member Abul Kalam. On the first day of the trip, ERC delegation held the meeting with the deputy under secretary and with the Foreign Minister at the department of foreign affairs. The delegation was warmly received by the Foreign Minister and held a very fruitful discussion. The delegation expressed its gratitude towards the government and the people of Turkey for officially organizing the trip and always helping Rohingya through every possible channel.

ERC delegation and the Foreign Minister discussed on many issues and the delegation informed the Minister on the current deteriorating situation of Rohingya in both Arakan and elsewhere in the region. The Minister is very much concerned about the situation and promised to do more for Rohingya people.

foreign minister (2)On the second day of the trip, ERC delegation held the meeting with the Ministry of development and his deputy minister at the department of Ministry of Development. During the meeting, the delegation recommended several suggestions and requests, which were accepted by the Minister who expressed eagerness to work hand in hand with ERC in order to reduce the suffering of Rohingya.

ERC delegation will remain in Ankara until 22nd of August, as it will be holding meetings with other important governmental and non-governmental institutions.



THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.