Haikal Mansor speaks about growing up as a Rohingya Muslim in Buddhist majority Burma


CARLOW: Invited by Carlow College St. Patrick’s to delivery a lecture on Theology, Haikal Mansor, General Secretary of the European Rohingya Council and a member of Rohingya Action Ireland spoke to first year students at the college on Wednesday.


Haikal spoke about the importance of pluralistic society upholding respect, love, compassion and kindness that religions teach as well as seeking wisdom through scriptures, arts, science and philosophy.


He also shared experiences of growing up as a Rohingya Muslim in Buddhist-majority Burma where there is an ongoing genocide against Rohingya and the military led suppression of religious minorities.


Haikal highlighted the needs for Inter-Religious dialogue between communities and religions in the pursuit of common good – a sustainable peaceful world and a sign of hope.



THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe. info@theerc.eu