Rohingya Solidarity Rally in The Hague


Date: 17 September 2017

The Hague, Netherlands: Since 25th August 2017, Myanmar security armed forces launched an “ethnic cleansing operation” against Rohingya civilians in the name of counter insurgency operations. Over the last two weeks, Myanmar armed forces together with Rakhine mobs killed or burnt more than 5, 000 Rohingya civilians, most of them are children and women. A considerable number of Rohingya have died from starvation, sickness and drowning while trying to escape atrocity crimes committed by the security forces. Nearly 200 Rohingya hamlets were burnt down to the ground. According to the United Nations, more than 400, 000 Rohingya were forced to flee to Bangladesh while many were internally displaced. Several thousand Rohingya are on their way to Bangladesh. Myanmar security forces buried land mines along the way Rohingya are fleeing. Some Rohingya were affected by the land mines recently. United Nations has described Myanmar’s operation against Rohingya as “textbook example of ethnic cleansing.”

Since 1978, successive military and quasi-civilian governments of Myanmar have been persecuting the Rohingya in Western Myanmar. Myanmar military has viewed Rohingya Muslims, who are pre-nation state borderlands people living along the present-day Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) and present-day Myanmar as a ‘threat to national security’ because they are the only Muslim community with their own historical ancestral land, which is adjacent to one of the largest Muslim countries. This is a manufactured claim by the military institution which is neither based on the facts nor reality.

The persecution is commonly acknowledged as genocidal by various human rights organizations and investigators or researchers including the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, International State Crime Institute, Genocide Watch, former UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar (2008-2014) Mr Tomas Ojea Quintana, leading scholars of genocide George Stanton and William Schabas, anti-apartheid leader Desmond Tutu and Amartya Sen.
Despite international outrage and call on Myanmar government to stop atrocity crimes against

Rohingya, Myanmar pays no heeds so far and continues inflicting massive suffering on Rohingya. Therefore we call upon:
• Dutch government to put direct diplomatic pressure on Myanmar government to stop atrocity crimes against Rohingya civilians; and to initiate necessary measures through European Union, and United Nations to stop Myanmar committing atrocity crimes; and to bring all those who have been committing “ethnic cleansing of Rohingya” into justice.
• International Court of Justice to initiate process to bring perpetrators of “ethnic cleansing of Rohingya” into justice.
• Dutch media to bring Myanmar’s “ethnic cleansing of Rohingya” into public attention and to inform Dutch public with what have been unfolding against Rohingya people.


  1. The European Rohingya Council
  2. Care 4 Humanity
  3. Dialoog – Sociaal Cultureel Centrum Moskee Noeroel Islam
  4. Raad van Oelama Nederland (RON) Kashmir Peace Council
  5. Pakistan Wefare Association The Haque
  6. Pak Islamic & Culture Centre The Haque Netherlands
  7. Dastak International Organization
  8. Palestine Huis in Nederland
  9. Stichting Welzijn voor Moslim te Den Haag omstreken
  10. Het Turks Platform Den Haag Moskee Mescid-i Kuba Moskee Mescid -i Aksa Moskee Ahi Evran
  11. Stichting Islamitische Centrum Den Haag (Moskee Delfselaan) Turkse Vereniging Escamp Den Haag
  12. Turkse Islamitische Culturele Vereniging
  13. Stichting Solidariteit Erzurum Stichting Dialooghuis Stichting Yozgat Vadercentrum Adam
  14. Stichting Sanatolia
  15. Demet TV Dabdar Stichting Turkse Museum Turkse Huis
  16. Turks Vereniging Molenwijk
  17. Muraqba Hall Holland
  18. Foundation Noorani Islamic Research Institute
  19. Stichting Noor Ul Huda
  20. Stichting vereniging Roekoen Islam Den Haag
  21. Darga Ajmer Sharif India
  22. Chishty Foundation Ajmer Sharief
  23. Chishitya Ribaat Sufi Studie center Pakistan
  24. Al Karam Moskee Amsterdam Al Ghausia Moskee Amsterdam Al Ghausia Moskee Rotterdam
  25. Al Kurtaba Moskee Rotterdam Taqwa Moskee Zoetermeer Bangladesh Foundation Netherlands Buurtvaders Schilderswijk West
  26. Stichting Dalmar Den Haag
  27. Stichting Soneco Den Haag
  28. Naqshidandi Al Haqqani Tarikat (stated by Shaykh Ahmad Dede Netherlands) Stichting SOS Shaam
  29. Moskee Taibah Amsterdam
  30. World Islamic Mission (WIM)
  31. Stichting Welzijn voor Moslim Amsterdam en omstreken
  32. Djamia Medinatul Islam
  33. Moskee Al Firduas Lelystad
  34. Moskee Anware Medina Eindhoven Moskee Fariedul Islam Amsterdam Minhaj Ul Quran Den Haag
  35. Federatie Somalische Landelijke organisatie FSAN Global Security Institute USA Amerika

Media contact:
Dr. Hla Kyaw; +31 652358202


THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.