The 3rd general election of the European Rohingya Council (ERC)


Media Release,

The 3rd general election of the European Rohingya Council (ERC)

In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most compassionate:

Carlow, Ireland: Thanks to Al-mighty Allah, the 3rd general election of the ERC was successfully held on November 27, 2016 in Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Carlow, Ireland. The aims of the election were to elect the new council members from each of the European countries and new executive body for the next two years. Rohingya delegates from different European countries participated and shared their views and ideas for the ultimate interest of Rohingya around the world.

After announcing the agenda and procedures of the election, the responsible members from the previous executive body and previous council members presented their activities in the past two years. The ERC treasury presented the details of ERC’s bank account for the past two years.

After dissolving the previous council member team and executive body, the General Assembly eunamimously selected an independent external observer Prof. Dr. Abid Bahar, Canada to motinor the election process. Then, new members of the ERC were welcomed. The new members from each country elected at least one new council member. A Board of Trustee was added into the existing structure. As per constitution, the new council members elected the executive body consisting of chairman, vice-chairman, and general secretary. The elected executive body, then, formed the teams of media & information, Research & Training, and the Treasury.

The election result was finally pronounced successfully and the authority was handed over to the new elected body, which will run day-to-day activities with utmost honesty, integrity and transparency for a period of two years.

Detail result of the election

Board of Trustee
Khairul Amin (Chairman of the Board of Trustee)
U Hla Tin
Mohammed Ibraheem
U Hla Maung

Executive body
Chairman – Dr. Hla Kyaw (Dr. Khubyb)
Vice-Chairman – Dr. Ambia Perveen
General Secretary – Dr. Haikal Mansor
Spokesperson – Dr. Anita Schug
Treasury – Ata Bu Raman and Haroon Yousuf
Media & Information – Mohammed Rafique, Haroon Yousuf, Zahedul
Haque and Dr. Haikal Mansor
Training & Research – Eng. Mohammed Siddique, Dr. Hla Kyaw,
Dr. Ambia Perveen, Dr. Haikal Mansor and Dr. Anita Schug

Council members
Switzerland –  Dr. Anita Schug
Netherlands – Dr. Hla Kyaw and Khairul Boshor
Ireland – Dr. Haikal Mansor and Mohammed Rafique
Denmark – Khairoon Nissa
Belgium – Mohammad Haroon
Norway – Imran Ali
United Kingdom – Mohammed Siddique and Nur Huda
Germany – Hussain Azmi
France – Haroon Yousuf
Sweden – Abul Khalam
Austria – Mohammed Shahid

For more information:

Dr. Haikal Mansor
General Secretary

Mobile: +353857692758


THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.