ERC highlighted ongoing ethnic cleansing MR-Dagarna Exhibition in Stockholm


Stockholm: Since many days, ERC (European Rohingya Council) had been noticing worldwide that in the exbhition of human rights day in Sweden the ERC organization will highlight the catastrophes which are facing Rohingya since 1978 and the ongoing hidden ethnic cleansing of Rohingya by the Buddhist genocidal rulers in Burma.

The seminar of ERC at above mentioned exbhition was held only by the ERC organization sponsorship. They did not spend any out-penny there.  The ERC distributed the leaflets by their own stand in the exbhition. The attendees are approximately 100 and it is too extraordinary that the attendees are reputable personalities of respective fields and the mentioned reputable attendees paid utmost attention to the presentation of ERC concerning Rohingya plight. Many NGOs remarked the presentation and focused attentively to that seminar.

On the 16th November 2013, the chairman of ERC Mr. Khairul Amin as grand speaker highlighted the systematic discrimination and state backed violence and hidden ethnic cleansing with illustrations which are taking place inside Burma. Amongst his explanations, few are described here— arbitrary arrest, arson attack, torturing in detention centre to extort money, gangbang, burning down houses, vandalizing religious mosques and buildings, expelling Rohingya youths putting in boat by state backed Buddhist agencies and killing them after some days journey in sea, confinement in travelling, education, making up food, etc.SONY DSC

Another distinguished Speaker Mr. Benedict Rogers of East Asia Team Leader of the Christian Solidarity Worldwide and illustrated completely about what is actually occurring against Rohingya inside Burma and how the Rohingya people pass their daily lives amidst the brutalities of the government. He appealed to world inhabitants to come forward to help and save the distressed and stateless Rohingya people.

IIeria Cimino of STP, Society for Threatened People explained  that  how the Rohingya exodus who had fled to escape the state backed violence  face—sufferings in open-hell in Thailand, India, Malaysia, Bangladesh and other countries  and varieties of crisis  and human trafficking unfortunately.

Moreover, as final speaker, the distinguished ERC media secretary Mohamed Ibrahim highlighted the history of the ongoing hidden Rohingya ethnic cleansing and the systematic discrimination of the Burmese quasi-civilian government led by world class liar president Thein Sien and distributed leaflets to the reputable attendees about the current atrocities taking place against Rohingya. Then, appealed to world bodies for approaching to help the stateless Rohingya who concurrently face atrocities, starvation, and incrimination in western Burma.

In the exbhition of human rights day in Sweden, The ERC delegation accomplished to highlight more hidden things for the distressed Rohingya which were absolutely unknown mainly to European.

The outcome of the ERC seminar in the above mentioned exhibition in Sweden is an extraordinary for Rohingya. The ERC is invited to speak up for the distressed Rohingya in upcoming Swedish parliament.

Amnesty international also highlighted ERC “MR-Dagarna“Seminar in their website. The link translated in English from Google:

MR DAYS: “Rohingya people threatened with extinction”

Around 35,000 Muslims from rohingyafolket have fled Burma since violence broke out last summer and 140,000 are internally displaced in the country. There is an ongoing ethnic cleansing and rohingyafolket threatened with extinction. It said participants at the seminar ” Burma – a conflictual Buddhist country ” held on Saturday, MR- days deadline .

It was in June 2012 that the violence against the Muslim minority Rohingyas in Myanmar exploded in Rakhine State (formerly Arakan ) , after sammandrabbingar between Buddhists and Muslims. A state of emergency was issued under which the persecution of the Rohingya intensified .

The violence broke out just mean Khair -ul- Amin, chairman of European Rohingya Council, has to do with an upcoming battle for political power in the country. Burma was ruled by a military junta until 2010 when management gave up the military power and instead formed the USDP party and took home 80 percent of the votes in the election held in November of that year. Since then, the reforms led to the opposition National League for Democracy , NLD , with Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi in the lead, again taking part in political life . Aung San Suu Kyi has been released from house arrest and more and more political and prisoners of conscience have been released, the most recent release are arrived November 15.

– The government is afraid of losing power to Aung San Suu Kyi . If the election were held now , she would win, says Khair -ul- Amin , whose organization was formed last year by members from 12 different European countries.

A few months before the violence broke out last year, had a by-election in March 2012 revealed that the government is justified in their concerns. For the first time since 1990, participated as opposition party NLD in the elections and won 43 of the 46 seats at stake . But while the election results raised hopes for further reforms in the country ruled by military regimes since 1962t intensified thus hate campaigns against the Muslim minority Rohingyas .

General elections to be held in Burma in 2015 and by the NLD and Aung Sun Suu Kyi’s successes , the government of President Thein Sein in the management an opportunity to hold on to power by portraying themselves as the Buddhist majority society rescuers and advocates, and uses the Rohingya as targets for doing so. It considers Khair -ul- Amin also not seeing any hope of Aung San Suu Kyi :

– Opposition leader gives us no basis for she is planning the same thing, she does not condemn the atrocities committed against the Rohingyas because she is afraid of losing support from the Buddhist majority .

In a well-publicized interview with the BBC on October 24 refused Aung Sun Suu Kyi to renounce violence against Muslims , but only spoke about fear held by both groups. Khair -ul- Amin now appealing for help:

– We can not stop the ethnic cleansing without your support, we need your help to put pressure on European governments to prevent Rohingya obliterated .

Author and journalist Benedict Rogers, who is also a member of the organization Christian Solidarity Worldwide put the misery and violence against Rohingya in a larger context , in which the climate in Burma is intolerant of minorities, and even many Christians suffered , and churches burned. But the Rohingya situation is particularly vulnerable , and he also pointed out that the Rohingya citizenship withdrawn in a law of 1982, which means they are today formally stateless .

– I have met monks who participated in the uprising in 1988 [ the military junta ] , it is hemslkt to see that some monks have advocated violence and even participated in it, said Benedict Rogers.

For More Details Please contact ERC Media person.

Mohamed Ibrahim


THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.