ERC Representatives Highlighted Rohingya Plight at IGMF Annual Conference


Burma Times: Frankfurt International Society for Human Rights Germany (IGMF) held 42nd Annual Conference on April 5 – 6, 2014 at Gustav-Stressmann Institute in Bonn, Germany.

In the Conference, the human right expert participants specially discussed over human rights violations against ethnic minorities across the world, persecution, extra judiciary killing, abusing, harassment, rapes on women, imprisonments, free of speech, religious activities restriction. They tried to find out remedy and prevention of minor communities with democratically reforms having equal right in the society.

Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim, the Secretary of Media and Information and Mr. Hussain Azmi, the Deputy General Secretary have been welcomed as speakers on behalf of the European Rohingya Council (ERC) for a two-day conference.

Particularly, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim delivered his address for 2o minutes on freedom of religion and official eradication of non-Buddhist faith (Islam) in Burma. During the address, he highlighted and illustrated how the genocidal Burmese regime led by President Thein Sein imposed repressive laws against Rohingya and other ethnic minorities and the endemic discrimination and persecution in Rohingya populous quarters, western Burma.

“The destitute Rohingya have been kicked as football wherever they are reached across the world”, added by him.

All the distinguished attendees from various parts of the world expressed “huge concern over the long plight of Rohingya”.

It is well discussed that the Germany government and NGOs will advocate in particular for Rohingya until Rohingya achieve a sustainable resolution.

Then, the delegation of ERC grandly held photo exhibition concerning the systematic killings of Rohingya by state-backed extremists and involvement of higher authorities.


THE EUROPEAN ROHINGYA COUNCIL [ERC] is an Amsterdam based European umbrella organisation in Europe.

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